What do we feed our Cattle?
Our cows and calves are 100% Grass Fed. They are rotationally grazed onto a new pasture of fresh grass ever three days during the growing season. In the summer, we also chop the pasture grass to store for winter feeding. The cows will then be fed the chopped grass during the winter since we aren’t able to graze our cows during our Wisconsin winters.
Once the calves are weaned, they start eating a corn mixture. The corn mixture is fed as TMR (Total Mixed Ration) as recommended by our feed nutritionist. The corn mixture consists of Corn Silage, Snaplage, protein, vitamins and minerals. The corn mixture helps the calves to produce a higher meat marbling when they reach the proper maturity for butchering. The higher the meat marbling, the more tender your beef will be. We aim for high choice to prime meat grading.